Thursday, May 8, 2014

My rock, my wind, my flower.

My rock is my comfort zone. With you I feel safe. With you I'm at peace. Things don't change with you, and that's why you're so comforting. But I worry sometimes. You hold me down & you look out for me, but I'm over here chasing dreams & fairy tales while you watch from a distance. You make sure I'm okay when words are needed. You swoop in to save the day when action is needed. And sometimes I feel selfish for that. But our relationship is unique & we both know where we stand in it. Even in absolute silence we can understand one another. That is special, and something that took time to build. My wind is my partner in crime. We do everything together. We are on a constant move and we're both headed in the same direction. You're my constant reassurance & vice-versa. I always here people tell me they believe in me. But I feel it more when it comes from you. I'm not sure why that is, but it's different. Your struggle is worse than mine and I genuinely just want to see you make it, and you can count on me to be there for you. My flower keeps me on my toes. Whether it's dance or just life, something is always going on with you and I'm drawn to it. We're different in certain aspects but are very alike by intuition. Your aura makes me calm & excited at the same time, and I'm trying to figure out how that is. There are things that we've done that I've never done with anyone else. I can't say no to you, but that doesn't matter cause there's no reason to. You say I constantly push you to be out of your comfort zone, but I don't think you realize how much I've grown just being with you. It may not seem like it but things were really different before I met you. I've always wanted to do so many things that were out of my pattern but never did. Something about you makes everything feel more possible. Everything from dancing in the cold till midnight, to going to a playground at 1AM to look for Mars. I feel like I'm reading a book and every page is my favorite. We connect on every level & it scares me sometimes. You told me you trusted me in a way that you didn't trust anyone else. That moment was so genuine and something I'll never forget. Timeless, that's how I feel when we're together, & I like it a lot.

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