Monday, June 2, 2014


When people tell me to add more emotion to a dance I can't help but feel like instead of trying to develop a connection for the dance, I am just being told to convey an emotion that I don't even feel. Dancing can be acting &/ or it can be expressing. Now with me I express three emotions on a daily basis, happiness because I smile a lot, confusion because I get lost a lot because I enjoy it in the sense that I like being in new territory and putting in myself in a position to learn something. And just being completely mellow and expressionless. Any type of other emotion is usually expressed through writing or just connecting with someone on a personal level. That's how I deal with things. It's difficult for me to give facials while dancing when that's not me. The only time that comes out is usually during the choreography process when I I let the music evoke what ever emotion it is I'm feeling. I'm not embarassed to do. Facials, I just have a problem with pretending. There are a lot of dancers out there who give fave just to give a stronger "performance", that's not real, and it's easy to spot. When I dance I want it to come from a place that means something to me. 95% of the time I can't connect with any of the music I dance to and even choreograph myself. I do want to be an excellent dancer overall but I'm still trying to figure things out. Subtly, lines, dynamics, intricacy, the act of making everything I do look easy. These are all my favorite elements when dancing. I dont understand my facial expressions in real life nor do I care to understand them and that's why training my face to react a certain to music is tough. I'm not that emotional because I don't think life is that serious. I don't think a lot of things are worth getting upset about. So naturally giving face isn't easy. But I'm up for the challenge, I want to learn how to express myself and get completely lost in the music because I know I don't do that often at all.

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